What sort of country is Laos?
An Asian oasis filled with devout prayers and delicious meals.
Country Introduction: Laos is a landlocked country situated on the Indochina Peninsula, bordered by Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand. It is known for its Buddhist heritage and boasts a collection of impressive and vibrant temples. Despite covering around 60% of Japan's land area, Laos has a population of only 9 million people. The country's agricultural prosperity, attributed to its monsoon climate, has led to the development of a rich food culture. Similar to Japan, Laos has a strong rice-based culture, though it predominantly relies on glutinous rice as its staple food. Additionally, its cuisine prominently features the use of fresh vegetables. The people of Laos, influenced by their Buddhist and traditional values, uphold a sense of unity rooted in virtues of patience and tolerance.
お国紹介:インドシナ半島の ベトナム,カンボジア, タイに囲まれた内陸国で, きらびやかな寺院が印象的な仏教国です。国土は日本の60%ほどですが人口は900万人にすぎません。モンスーン気候の恩恵を受けた農業からは豊かな食文化が生みだされます。日本と同じく米文化ですが, もち米を主食とし, 新鮮な野菜をふんだんに使った料理が特徴的です。仏教文化と伝統文化のスピリットを受け継いだラオスの人々は, 忍耐と寛容を美徳とした教えが, ひとびとの連帯の心をはぐくんでいます。